Qualitative And Quantitative Research Discussion Paper

Excellent post! You have provided a clear discussion of qualitative and quantitative research in evidence-based practice. I feel that both quantitative and qualitative research methodologies contribute to the generation of significant information for our practice, it is vital to determine which sort of evidence gives the greatest answers to particular practice concerns. When it comes to practice, quantitative data gives the empiric knowledge that is required, while qualitative evidence underpins the personal and subjective understanding that is essential in practice (Oh, 2016). Qualitative research delivers its results via the words and experiences of subjects, which may be readily used in nursing care practices in a variety of situations.


Nurses are drawn to qualitative research since its techniques and results often resemble the art of nursing practice, in which comprehending the complete patient as well as treating people individually is critical to optimal patient outcomes (Baixinho et al., 2020)Qualitative And Quantitative Research Discussion Paper. Nonetheless, qualitative research has not always been regarded as reliable evidence for practice decisions. It has received less attention than quantitative research, which has long been considered the benchmark. Researchers are attempting to demonstrate the value of qualitative research to health practitioners and other researchers, as well as to highlight its role in evidence-based practice and clinical decision-making.


Baixinho, C. L., Presado, M. H., & Oliveira, E. S. (2020). The place of qualitative research in evidence-based practice. Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem, 73(5). https://doi.org/10.1590/0034-7167-2020730501

Oh, E. G. (2016). Synthesizing quantitative evidence for evidence-based nursing: Systematic review. Asian Nursing Research, 10(2), 89-93. Qualitative And Quantitative Research Discussion Paper https://doi.org/10.1016/j.anr.2016.05.001

Qualitative research is beneficial in evidenced-based practice because it has variety of findings of people responses beyond personal experiences. It offers an in-depth study, understanding and insights of a problem or ideas. It highlights different perspective in evidence-based practice. Quantitative research at times are not enough in evidenced-based practice and qualitative research benefits evidenced-based practice by studying, focusing and emphasizing deep understanding in human phenomena. Like in the field of medicine, psychology and social work, qualitative research is beneficial because there are different cases that needs to be understood and study clearly and deeply to gather evidence and applied in practices. Qualitative research has subjectivity, and the researcher cannot anticipate the subjects response to the study and it becomes beneficial to evidence-based practice because the researchers does not restrict or obscure people in their understanding of the study. Researchers also gather large amount of data or information using qualitative research method that can greatly help in the evidence-based practice because it expands their understanding of the topic or study Qualitative And Quantitative Research Discussion Paper.


When you are trying to find a solution to a problem, both qualitative and quantitative approaches will help you gather information regarding the problem and its different dimensions. In addition, a mixed method approach may help you to understand the problem from different perspectives, such as a combination of quantitative and qualitative approaches. One type of mixed method approach is using a qualitative approach before a quantitative approach (e.g., using a qualitative approach to generate hypotheses for a quantitative approach). Another mixed method approach is using a qualitative approach after a quantitative approach (e.g., using a qualitative approach to explore the results of a quantitative approach). Both qualitative and quantitative approaches have strengths and weaknesses. The goal is to use methods that are best suited to the research question at hand. For example, although narrative methods are useful for understanding contextual issues (and are the basis for qualitative methods), they are not always best for gaining quantitative data (such as the number of people in a city who do not use sidewalks). Another example would be that a qualitative approach might be best to gain the insight of the impact of a marketing campaign on a particular store brand. Reference Leppink, J. (2017). Revisiting the quantitative-qualitative-mixed methods labels: Research questions, developments, and the need for replication. Journal of Taibah University Medical Sciences, 12(2), 97-101. Qualitative And Quantitative Research Discussion Paper